Sony NWZE385 16 GB Walkman MP3 Video Player (Black)..
Special Price Sony NWZE385 16 GB Walkman MP3 Video Player (Black) By Sony
Most helpful customer reviews
96 of 98 people found the following review helpful.Solid Long Lasting and Great Sound
By Zombie4Life
I've had my for almost 2 years and it still sounds great. I don't have a problem shutting it off, you just hold down a button to do it. If you do add video files the screen is crystal clear. However, the screen is tiny and does tend to get scratched easily. However, who buys a mp3 player to watch videos? If you aren't a snobby apple product owner and actually just want to listen to music this player is great. I bought two as presents and will continue using mine until breaks which I doubt will be anytime soon. The sound quality is great with a comprehensive EQ manager that can give you whatever sound you like the most. The automatic mood radio feature is great so if you wanna only listen to certain tempo, mood, style or whatever you want to call it you can fairly easily. The battery life is great and it hooks up easily to my car mp3 player port so I can listen in my car as well. There are better mp3 players out there I'm sure, but if you want a no nonsense bare bones mp3 player that plays mp3s that is more affordable than it's bigger name competition than this is one for you.
59 of 65 people found the following review helpful.Excellent audio quality and physical construction
By H. Navarro
SONY Walkman NWZ-E384 / 8GB (Made in China)
Rear Pinhole Reset System Button
Actual Drive ~ 7.18GB; as we all may know Electronics functions are based on mathematical precision so rounding the memory drive capacity to 8GB is misleading and as well a grade school math absurdity.
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Must power charge via the computer USB/ alternatively can select a "Compatible" AC/DC wall power charger.
*Battery quality and life is exceptional; I have many MP3 players containing a diversity of music genres; so I often do not use various players for days or weeks at a time. In the case of the Sony NWZ-E384 the Power Bars have indicated “No” idle battery drain or loss! This player is a new device nonetheless the battery is obviously made of top notch quality material.
*The Screen is 1 and 3/8 of an inch high ~ 1 and 1/8 inch wide & 1 and 3/4 inch diagonal
*Cabinet is 3- 1/2 inch tall ~ 1- 3/4 inch wide and 1/4 inch thick
*Weigt is ~ 1.9 oz
*Functional with Windows XP SP3 / Vista/ Windows 7 and 8
*Specifications indicate Device is also functional with “Mac OS X v.10.6” or later
*Alphabetical Album/ Artist search (easy to use)
*Date and Time (during music play the screen goes dark and the T/D flash displays)
*FM Radio (never listened because I’ve no use for it)
Easy to learn and use Radial - up- down- left - right directional click control. Within the radial clicker is a main select Play/ Pause duel function control. At the left of the radial clicker is the OPTION” /PWR/ HOLD triple function control and to the left is the “Back” and "Home" duel function control.
MINOR ANNOYANCE: When Powering up the player a “HOLD” screen displays which indicates you must press and hold the OPTION button for a second time to access the MP3 Library (Why? makes no sense to me it’s just one of those stupid things I often experience in manufacturing designs); To turn the player “OFF” we must first place the MP3 on Pause then press and hold the OPTION button.
*POSITIVE: So far the Audio 3.5mm plug in component appears to be of very good strong manufacturing design quality.
In my opinion the “3.5mm audio jack” is the weakest mechanical part of many MP3 players. In the decade plus years of personal experiences Audio Jacks have always been the main MP3 component to easily malfunction. It is obviously due to poor component quality and/or poor circuit board solder(ing) techniques and installation control.
After repeated removals and insertions of earphones or whatever we plug in, even accidental drops and falls we sometimes lose the left or right Audio capability and in some instances all sound. In such cases better to just simply use the player as a Photo Library Dispaly or USB Data Flash Drive as opposed to getting it repaired because we all know it’s always cheaper to buy another MP3 device model or brand.
Anyway as indicated, I’ve yet to experience poor craftsmanship here as the NWZ-E384 ~ 3.5mm Audio Jack seems to be of excellent solid state electronic component and solder quality.
Nonetheless that doesn’t mean we can abuse the Jack by forcing, shoving and yanking audio plugs ~ in and out, willy- nilly. Eventually carelessness will destroy the device. Therefore gentle insertion and removal is always more sensible as it will extend the life of any audio jack.
*I listen to very loud open air MP3 music when I exercise in the freedom of my home.
I connect the player to my quality home stereo using a 3.5mm to RCA Audio Plug in cable. The sound reproduction is excellent. This SONY device model is a sensational audio power house! It has various player music modes and even an equalizer but my personal favorite is the “Rock” listening mode simply because it provides the best quality sound for the array of music I listen too on this device; both Modern and Classic ~ Heavy Metal/ Pop Rock/ Country/ Pop Culture it all sounds great! I’m not really disappointed in the 7.18GB memory drive limits because my particular music library fits perfectly with 1.2 GB of free memory leftover. In addition I’ve no need or desire to expand my SONY player library so . . . it’s all good.
Over the last decade I’ve owned and experienced various MP3 music players. Many have failed to withstand time, wear, accident falls and drops. Recently as of this writing the Sony NWZ-E384 so far has only fallen “twice” from desk height onto a hard wood floor. Unfortunately that’s all it sometimes takes to dislodge/ weaken internal/ external components, and/ or cause cracks. Surprisingly the Sony NWZ-E384 remained undamaged; the outside is unscathed and still providing great music sound quality reproduction.
This SONY media player I believe was manufactured to last, it is clearly constructed to withstand a reasonable number of minor accidental falls or drops. With a little conscious effort I hope to prevent it from crash landing again (so I hope).
In any case I use various MP3 music players to listen to a large diversity of genres. And as far as the various music types I sync record to my Sony Walkman NWZ-E384 the audio capabilities is one of the best I’ve had the pleasure to experience free air or with earphones on.
34 of 37 people found the following review helpful.Very compact, reasonable price, some limitations
By YeahSoMaybe?
Just got this today from a big box store in Portland. I've only been using it for 4 hours. I * was * going to buy from Amazon but for some reason the projected delivery time was 3 weeks from now, that was too long for my purposes. I didn't want to go Apple. I wanted at least 16 GB. This is 14.1 GB formatted which is not surprising.
PROs: It's teeny tiny. It may be smaller than some Apple Ipod Nanos.
Minimal controls but the menus seem to be well thought out.
You attach it and "it's just a drive" - no iTunes crapola to deal with. I drag and drop MP3 folders with band /album titles and pre-named/numbered MP3 file and I'm good to go. (I have Microsoft Windows 7 Pro computer operating system).
I get good sound with my Sony MDR-300 headphones (cost $22.50 , 24 ohms impedance 1 kHzSensitivity (db) : 102 dB/mW
Is capable of putting out more volume that I can stand.
CONs: File copy is fairly slow. But once you do inital setup and copy, that's not so bad.
While is will drive my larger 63ohm Sony studio "cans" headphones - it does not produce a good sound with them. Bass on the larger headphones is weak / unsatisfying. So I'm not using those headphones with this - was hoping to do so for plane flight travel.
The EQ is fairly limited 5 band. Doesn't have a lot of precision or major change effect. Yes it does "something", it's just kind of minimal.
The instructions for how to actually , fully shut this MP3 player down (powered off) are a bit cryptic. They say it goes into "standby". It may be that it never shuts off in the normal pull the plug NO Power sense. It's do able, you put it on pause and then hold down Option button for awhile. I guess a better way of saying this is the manual is minimal.
Other info: Charges by USB to mini-USB male connector. 2 hours for full charge. Built in, non-user replaceable battery.
Overall you get a compact system.
I'll report back later on how long a charge lasts and durability.
NOTE: You can supposedly play back pictures and movies with this. It does display the MP3 album graphics fairly clearly. I didn't buy it for video/still display, can't speak to that.
I have put many albums of MP3s on here and still have 4GB of space remaining.
If you can swing it, buy at least a device with at least 16GB pre-formatted storage. That gives you enough to cover a lot of moods/ genres of music without being forced to delete this to make room for that.
Currently listening to Moody Blues "In Search of the Lost Chord" - it sounds good / satisfying.
I give this a solid 4 stars at this time of initial impression.
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